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- *usr_11.txt* For Vim version 6.0. Last change: 2001 Sep 03
- VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
- Recovering from a crash
- Did your computer crash? And you just spent hours editing? Don't panic! Vim
- keeps enough information on harddisk to be able to restore most of your work.
- This chapter shows you how to get your work back and explains how the swap
- file is used.
- |11.1| Basic recovery
- |11.2| Where is the swap file?
- |11.3| Crashed or not?
- |11.4| Further reading
- Next chapter: |usr_12.txt| Clever tricks
- Previous chapter: |usr_10.txt| Making big changes
- Table of contents: |usr_toc.txt|
- ==============================================================================
- *11.1* Basic recovery
- In most cases recovering a file is quite simple, assuming you know which file
- you were editing (and the harddisk is still working). Start Vim on the file,
- with the "-r" argument added: >
- vim -r help.txt
- Vim will read the swap file (used to store text you were editing) and may read
- bits and pieces of the original file. If all is well, you will see these
- messages (with different file names, of course):
- Using swap file ".help.txt.swp" ~
- Original file "~/vim/runtime/doc/help.txt" ~
- Recovery completed. You should check if everything is OK. ~
- (You might want to write out this file under another name ~
- and run diff with the original file to check for changes) ~
- Delete the .swp file afterwards. ~
- To be on the safe side, write this file under another name: >
- :write help.txt.recovered
- Compare the file with the original file to check if you ended up with what you
- expected. Vimdiff is very useful for this |08.7|. Watch out for the original
- file to contain a more recent version (you saved the file just before the
- computer crashed). And check that no lines are missing (something went wrong
- that Vim could not recover).
- If Vim produces warning messages when recovering, read them carefully.
- This is rare though.
- It's normal that the last few changes can not be recovered. Vim flushes the
- changes to disk when you don't type for about four seconds, or after typing
- about two hundred characters. This is set with the 'updatetime' and
- 'updatecount' options. Thus when Vim didn't get a chance to save itself when
- the system went down, the changes after the last flush will be lost.
- If you were editing without a file name, give an empty string as argument: >
- vim -r ""
- You must be in the right directory, otherwise Vim can't find the swap file.
- ==============================================================================
- *11.2* Where is the swap file?
- Vim can store the swap file in several places. Normally it is in the same
- directory as the original file. To find it, change to the directory of the
- file, and use: >
- vim -r
- Vim will list the swap files that it can find. It will also look in other
- directories where the swap file for files in the current directory may be
- located. It will not find swap files in any other directories though, it
- doesn't search the directory tree.
- The output could look like this:
- Swap files found: ~
- In current directory: ~
- 1. .main.c.swp ~
- owned by: mool dated: Tue May 29 21:00:25 2001 ~
- file name: ~mool/vim/vim6/src/main.c ~
- modified: YES ~
- user name: mool host name: masaka.moolenaar.net ~
- process ID: 12525 ~
- In directory ~/tmp: ~
- -- none -- ~
- In directory /var/tmp: ~
- -- none -- ~
- In directory /tmp: ~
- -- none -- ~
- If there are several swap files that look like they may be the one you want to
- use, a list is given of these swap files and you are requested to enter the
- number of the one you want to use. Carefully look at the dates to decide
- which one you want to use.
- In case you don't know which one to use, just try them one by one and check
- the resulting files if they are what you expected.
- If you know which swap file needs to be used, you can recover by giving the
- swap file name. Vim will then finds out the name of the original file from
- the swap file.
- Example: >
- Vim -r .help.txt.swo
- This is also handy when the swap file is in another directory than expected.
- If this still does not work, see what file names Vim reports and rename the
- files accordingly. Check the 'directory' option to see where Vim may have
- put the swap file.
- Note:
- Vim tries to find the swap file by searching the directories in the
- 'dir' option, looking for files that match "filename.sw?". If
- wildcard expansion doesn't work (e.g., when the 'shell' option is
- invalid), Vim does a desperate try to find the file "filename.swp".
- If that fails too, you will have to give the name of the swapfile
- itself to be able to recover the file.
- ==============================================================================
- *11.3* Crashed or not? *ATTENTION* *E325*
- Vim tries to protect you from doing stupid things. Suppose you innocently
- start editing a file, expecting the contents of the file to show up. Instead,
- Vim produces a very long message:
- Found a swap file by the name ".main.c.swp" ~
- owned by: mool dated: Tue May 29 21:09:28 2001 ~
- file name: ~mool/vim/vim6/src/main.c ~
- modified: no ~
- user name: mool host name: masaka.moolenaar.net ~
- process ID: 12559 (still running) ~
- While opening file "main.c" ~
- dated: Tue May 29 19:46:12 2001 ~
- ~
- (1) Another program may be editing the same file. ~
- If this is the case, be careful not to end up with two ~
- different instances of the same file when making changes. ~
- Quit, or continue with caution. ~
- ~
- (2) An edit session for this file crashed. ~
- If this is the case, use ":recover" or "vim -r main.c" ~
- to recover the changes (see ":help recovery"). ~
- If you did this already, delete the swap file ".main.c.swp" ~
- to avoid this message. ~
- You get this message, because, when starting to edit a file, Vim checks if a
- swap file already exists for that file. If there is one, there must be
- something wrong. It may be one of these two situations.
- 1. Another edit session is active on this file. Look in the message for the
- line with "process ID". It might look like this:
- process ID: 12559 (still running) ~
- The text "(still running)" indicates that the process editing this file
- runs on the same computer. When working on a non-Unix system you will not
- get this extra hint. When editing a file over a network, you may not see
- the hint, because the process might be running on another computer. In
- those two cases you must find out what the situation is yourself.
- If there is another Vim editing the same file, continuing to edit will
- result in two versions of the same file. The one that is written last will
- overwrite the other one, resulting in loss of changes. You better quit
- this Vim.
- 2. The swap file might be the result from a previous crash of Vim or the
- computer. Check the dates mentioned in the message. If the date of the
- swap file is newer than the file you were editing, and this line appears:
- modified: YES ~
- Then you very likely have a crashed edit session that is worth recovering.
- If the date of the file is newer than the date of the swap file, it was
- probably changed after the crash. Perhaps you recovered it earlier, but
- didn't delete the swap file? Vim will warn you for this with this extra
- line:
- NEWER than swap file! ~
- If dialogs are supported you will be asked to select one of five choices:
- Swap file ".main.c.swp" already exists! ~
- [O]pen Read-Only, (E)dit anyway, (R)ecover, (Q)uit, (D)elete it: ~
- O Open the file readonly. Use this when you just want to view the file and
- don't need to recover it. You might want to use this when you know someone
- else is editing the file, but you just want to look in it and not make
- changes.
- E Edit the file anyway. Use this with caution! If the file is being edited
- in another Vim, you might end up with two versions of the file. Vim will
- try to warn you when this happens, but better be safe then sorry.
- R Recover the file from the swap file. Use this if you know that the swap
- file contains changes that you want to recover.
- Q Quit. This avoids starting to edit the file. Use this if there is another
- Vim editing the same file.
- When you just started Vim, this will exit Vim. When starting Vim with
- files in several windows, Vim quits only if there is a swap file for the
- first one. When using an edit command, the file will not be loaded and you
- are taken back to the previously edited file.
- D Delete the swap file. Use this when you are sure you no longer need it.
- For example, when it doesn't contain changes, or when the file itself is
- newer than the swap file.
- On Unix this choice is only offered when the process that created the
- swap file does not appear to be running.
- If you do not get the dialog (you are running a version of Vim that does not
- support it), you will have to do it manually. To recover the file, use this
- command: >
- :recover
- Vim cannot always detect that a swap file already exists for a file. This is
- the case when the other edit session puts the swap files in another directory
- or when the path name for the file is different when editing it on different
- machines. Therefore, don't rely on Vim always warning you.
- If you really don't want to see this message, you can add the 'A' flag to the
- 'shortmess' option. But it's very unusual that you need this.
- ==============================================================================
- *11.4* Further reading
- |swap-file| An explanation about where the swap file will be created and
- what its name is.
- |:preserve| Manually flushing the swap file to disk.
- |:swapname| See the name of the swap file for the current file.
- 'updatecount' Number of key strokes after which the swap file is flushed to
- disk.
- 'updatetime' Timeout after which the swap file is flushed to disk.
- 'swapsync' Whether the disk is synced when the swap file is flushed.
- 'directory' List of directory names where to store the swap file.
- 'maxmem' Limit for memory usage before writing text to the swap file.
- 'maxmemtot' Same, but for all files in total.
- ==============================================================================
- Next chapter: |usr_12.txt| Clever tricks
- Copyright: see |manual-copyright| vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: